What’s an ‘Ideal Type’? As K-idols become more and more popular, many fans wonder what type of person they get fascinated by. Thus, idols’ ideal types get tremendous amount of attention. As soon as their ideal types are released, fans get busy trying their best to look or act similar to the characteristics listed. But don’t worry too much if their description doesn’t fit you. Their ideal types can change as often as whenever a new album comes out. You never know, their change of preference may better fit you. K-Idols often get asked about which aspect of their ideal partner they look for the most. Some idols’ answers are specific, but sometimes they’re ambiguous. As well as describing the characteristics of their ideal types, Idols often name celebrities who best matches their type. Here is a compilation of ideal type characteristics revealed by our bias of the day. See if any of them fit you! Idol Ideal Type of the Day: EXO! EXO’s Ideal Type Compilation (as of 2016) 1.Ideal Types (Descriptions) XiuMin: No ideal type in particular, because he’s confident once he finds a girl he really cares about, everything she does will look cute and pretty to him; However, believes that the atmosphere and feeling between the two is important. BaekHyun: Someone with a kind heart; Someone with proper manners; Someone who looks good in jeans; Someone with fair skin; Someone petite with cute round features; Someone who is overflowing with charm; Someone who knows how to play hard to get at times; Doesn’t have to be is lively and bright all the time ChanYeol: Someone with white skin and defined facial features; Someone who can fit right inside his embrace; Someone who shares his sense of humor and taste in music; Someone who he can feel comfortable with Kai: Someone who doesn’t abruptly open the shower door while he’s showering; Doesn’t care about skin tone; Someone who cares for him and has a transparent heart; Someone who looks good when their hair is in a top bun; Someone passionate about his work; Someone who is thin (almost frail-looking?) D.O.: Someone with a beautiful smile (even though she is already beautiful anyway); Someone who doesn’t make noises while eating; Someone who he can cook for when married Chen: Someone with such pretty, charming eyes that all he can look at is her eyes; Someone who has a pretty smile; Someone petite; Someone who is sincere and can lead and care for him like an older sister SuHo: Someone with reasonably long, virgin hair; Someone with hair of darker shade; Someone who is knowledgeable in literature to casually sit by a window and read with him; Someone who is shorter than him; Skin tone is not important; Must have double eyelids SeHun: Someone who is sincerely worry for him and care for him if he’s hurt; Someone who has round eyes, pale skin, and a naturally good scent; Someone who looks clean and innocent; Someone who looks chic and stand-offish on the outside, but a young child in the inside; Someone who dresses well Lay: Someone with long hair, small face, pretty eyes, and a pretty smile; Someone who looks cute without makeup, and beautiful with makeup; Someone who is shorter than him   2.Ideal Types (Age Difference) XiuMin: Anyone who isn’t a grandma or a baby BaekHyun: As long as they don’t look like mother and son, while walking together, any age is fine ChanYeol: Up to 40 years old is ok Kai: Up to someone who is 12 years older than him D.O.: Anyone who isn’t a grandma or a baby Chen: Up to 5 years younger or older than him SuHo: 8 years difference SeHun: Up to 4 years older Lay: Prefers someone younger, but if someone is only a few years older that’s ok  

The problem isn’t just that these are their preferences. It’s that millions of people are listening, some of which are hardcore stans and would do just about anything to be like that ideal type. If they weren’t famous, this preference would merely be seen as a preference. But their words have power now that they are famous. I’ve seen people hate on their skin color just because their bias idealizes pale skin. That’s genuinely upsetting. I don’t think it’s their fault, though. I blame society for teaching these values. They, just like we, are victim to these things society is telling us. I think the best thing to do is to make these idols aware that their words have a lot of influence on their fans, and that they should be careful about what they say. On the other hand, it’s best to remind fans that ideal types mean nothing, and that it’s fine if you don’t fit your bias’ ideal type. After all, it’s not like they’ll fall in love with you even if you did. saying something from them could be good things or bad things. These can lead to very important head line of media which means that has strong power than anything sometimes. Due to these matters. We also consider, think and re-think when we write articles or make contents. Anyway thank you for having an sincere and serious opinion of you. have a good day. ( I don’t know if you understand, my english is bad…) kiss♥ I feel like they’re all so unlikely to get married (hm…perhaps, when they turn 50??) because being a celebrity is such tough work. Maybe it’s just my gut feeling but I may be wrong (like I always am haha). However, romantic relationships could work (only those that are not started as scandals/AllKpop/Dispatch yikes). I want EXO to be comfortable and have lives of their own, too.

Idols  Ideal Types 2016 Compilation  EXO - 47Idols  Ideal Types 2016 Compilation  EXO - 13