Kpopmap got the honor of having an exclusive interview with the label and its artists. The artists (pictured below in order as listed) include MOONBIT, SOGAK SOGAK, 109, Sung YoungJoo, Jeong HaeIl, PLAT9 (YoungSeok and HeeSeung), and 1014.  You can follow the label’s music through their Instagram and on their YouTube channel.  

Life as an artist during the pandemic

You must be having a hard time due to the pandemic, what does your daily life look like these days?   The beginning of last year when Corona first began was very hard. I only feel happy and like a singer when I perform my music and meet my fans but because we couldn’t hold performances, I was sad. As a result of that, I had a period when I couldn’t write good songs. Thankfully I can accept it in a way now. I produce digital songs hoping that I can at least let my fans listen to a good song and I’m developing myself by focusing on work. MOONBIT I’m more frustrated about not being able to meet people than before but, thankfully, I’m a homebody for the most part. Unless I have a big engagement I’m always home or at the studio these days. 109 I try my best not to go out so I’m always producing music or playing with my cat or studying this-and-that. I think I’m enjoying living like a homebody. SOGAK SOGAK Because, unlike before, gatherings and traveling have been restricted, I think I couldn’t enjoy my summer vacation. However, the amount of time I spend on producing music is increasing. I spend a good amount of time at home producing! 1014 These days I spend more time producing songs. Instead of going out, I think it’s better that I’m producing music in my studio. PLAT9 YoungSeok I’m waiting for the day that this corona situation ends, and I can stand on stage. In the meantime, I’m always practicing my singing. I’m committing to producing music in the studio more than usual these days. PLAT9 HeeSeung In any case, being inside most of the time, instead of outside, is what’s allowed! Being inside too much makes me lazy so I’m working out hard in my spare time. Jeong HaeIl I was enlisted in the navy as a military band member in November last year, so I’ve been doing my service. Thankfully I’ve met a lot of good people. We make music and practice songs together whilst living regular disciplined lives, exercising, etc. I’m living happily these days. Sung YoungJoo   Because of Corona performances with no audience or online performances are taking place, what difference do you feel when there is an audience and when there isn’t?   I’ve only done one performance since Corona started, but the audience was wearing masks and couldn’t speak, so I was let down because I thought it would be less possible to communicate than before. MOONBIT After entering the military, I haven’t tried performances with no audience, but I’ve imagined doing an online performance. I think it will be very awkward and weird. 109 I’m disappointed because there’s a communication problem. I have a lot of songs with dances and songs that spectators sing out loud with me, but we can’t enjoy them together so it’s unfortunate. It’s true that I miss performances before Corona. SOGAK SOGAK I don’t perform often but I still go and watch the performances of other InHeart Music members. They’ve said that because the audience members are all wearing masks it’s hard to see their faces and expressions, which makes it difficult. I think they’d be disappointed because the audience can’t make a noise or cheer them on, too. 1014 I’m disappointed that I can’t feel the giddiness or fluttering feeling that I usually feel when I perform. When the audience gives reactions and matches me, I’m much happier. PLAT9 YoungSeok I get more nervous when there’s an audience anyways but just the thought of a lot of people listening to my song makes me happy. I wish this situation would pass so that a day can come when the audience can flow together and share their emotions through the music. PLAT9 HeeSeung I think that the difference between online and offline performances is that offline performances are definitely less lively. Performing face-to-face and communicating with fans was the huge gift of performing but I just hope that the situation gets better. Jeong HaeIl I feel like the excitement, shouts, and cheering hearts that you can definitely feel when together with fans is there so that you can touch each other’s hearts. Sung YoungJoo During a disconnected time like this, music can give a lot of comfort. What music gives each of you comfort?   Listening to the album that IU released at the beginning of this year has given me a lot of comfort. Listening to the song ‘My Sea’ especially made me feel teary-eyed. The lyrics, “I won’t close my eyes at the darkness that traps me anymore,” really touched me. MOONBIT I listen to different songs depending on my daily mood but these days my playlist is full of exciting songs! I must want to have an exciting day. 109 The situation has changed but a song that always comforts me no matter where I am in life is Lee SoRa’s ‘Track9’. SOGAK SOGAK Even if it means that I can feel the summer vacation mood alone, I look for and listen to exciting songs on purpose. I’m currently listening to a lot of tropical and refreshing dance tunes. 1014 I think I’m most comforted by pop songs or songs that express emotions well. PLAT9 YoungSeok I usually listen to ballads but during difficult times like this, I can feel refreshed and comforted by listening to hip-hop or band music. PLAT9 HeeSeung The song that has been a source of comfort for me recently is Justin Bieber’s ‘Off My Face’. I found out about the song for the first time on YouTube and without even knowing it felt close to crying. You should all try listening to this song! Jeong HaeIl The song ‘In The Bed’ by swja. In the lyrics, this song says, “I can kiss every part of you.” I think that the song’s mood and lyrics are very warm and express love well, which makes me think of the embrace of the people I love and gives me great comfort. The music video is so good that I recommend watching it while you listen to the song! Sung YoungJoo    

Inside the minds of Korean indie artists

I think that being able to enjoy all four seasons in Korea is very charming. Do you have a favorite season by any chance? Can you each recommend a song that suits that season and give a reason why?


I love the spring that makes me decide things with a new mindset the most. I think it’s a season that lets you start afresh whenever you want to and gives you this vague confidence. I want to recommend the song ‘Bloom’. I think this song is like how spring flowers start to bloom. It will improve your mood if you listen to it whilst you walk a path under a clear sky. MOONBIT I like the refreshing autumn the most. I want to recommend one of my songs called ‘Moon’. It’s like a song that will match well with taking a stroll at night in the autumn weather. 109 I really hate being cold. I like the spring that you can look forward to towards the last days of winter when the days are getting warmer. I want to recommend one of my songs called ‘원래 좋아하면 이렇게 되나 봐 (When you like somebody it must feel like this)’. It’s a song that feels like the fluttering feeling you get on your way to meet the person you love. I hope you can hear it as something like the excitement that comes from waiting for the spring. SOGAK SOGAK I like the summer when you can feel all of the greenness around you the most. I particularly like summer nights, so I want to recommend ‘The night sky full of you (feat. Yoon HanSol)’ to you so that you can also feel the sentiment of a summer night with a pretty moon. 1014 I like winter and autumn the most. I think a song called ‘Let me out’ will suit the autumn well. It’s a song that will bring everyone comfort during this difficult time. During the winter, I recommend a song called ‘Sleepless Night’. It’s a song that calms the heart on the nights when you can’t fall asleep because of too many thoughts. PLAT9 YoungSeok I like cold weather so late autumn or winter are the seasons I like the best, but those are when you feel loneliness. I sometimes enjoy that loneliness, too. I recommend ‘남이 되어가, 우리 (We’re becoming strangers)’. PLAT9 HeeSeung Uhm.. Summer is too hot, winter is too cold. I like spring and autum, but if I have to choose.. I like autumn. When spring and summer are boasting with lots of light and winter comes along showing its falling leaves it feels commendable. Haha. For a song that is good to listen to during autumn, I’d like to recommend ‘but it hurts to be happy’. Try listening to it whilst appreciating the refreshing autumn evening weather. Jeong HaeIl I like winter the most. The couples who walk warmly holding hands and sharing their body heat, the subtle carols, and the roads stacked with heaps of snow are very beautiful. It’s also because I get hot easily! I recommend my song ‘I can’t pick a star for you’. Listen to it whilst looking at the winter sky! Sung YoungJoo   Korean Indie can be unfamiliar to international fans who are used to K-Pop which has strong visual elements. What are ways that international fans can enjoy your music?


I think that even if the language is different, the emotions in a song are all the same. If you listen to that sincerity, won’t you enjoy it well? MOONBIT I hope they listen to it with an open mind. It could be a new genre but in some ways, I think it’s a familiar genre that could be liked if it matches someone’s taste. 109 I think that even if you don’t know the meaning, you’ll feel the emotions in the song. I hope they listen closely to the emotions left in the song. SOGAK SOGAK I think the special thing about Korean indie is our lyrics. There are unfamiliar expressions that are not used well and can’t be translated into other countrys’ languages perfectly, but I think because we have delicate expressions and sentiment, it is refreshing. 1014 I think it will be good if they focus on the lyrics. Instead of visually, I think it will be good to feel the song emotionally. PLAT9 YoungSeok There are a lot of visual elements lacking compared to idols, but we try much harder to fill in those aspects through lyrics and musical elements. PLAT9 HeeSeung Should I call it ‘the beauty of absence’? Haha. Instead of sound that’s full, with a little bit of an empty sound you can focus on the voice or lyrics and fall for the charms of indie music. Jeong HaeIl I think the boundaries between indie and mainstream have been pulled down a lot. Still, I think the charm of indie music is that it draws sympathy and comfort by unraveling one’s story in lyrics and melody and delivering it to the listener. I hope you can feel and listen to the charms of indie singers who talk about themselves. Sung YoungJoo   All of you (except for 109 and Sung YoungJoo who enlisted in the military) released albums this year. While you were recording, which emotion did you focus on the most?


I usually recite the lyrics before recording so that I can focus on the emotions inside of those lyrics. The technical side is also important, but I try to become the person speaking inside those lyrics. For example, in my song ‘Bloom’, I really though about being in an unrequited love with someone and tried to become that person inside the recording booth and then tried to focus on the emotions. MOONBIT I think I focus a lot on the lyrics because they concern me the most when I work on a song. I work whilst thinking, “I want to express the heart and mind of these lyrics to someone.” SOGAK SOGAK When I direct recordings, because I’m the type to think that the emotions and feeling of a song is more important that paying attention to if the note is shaky or the pitch falls. Vocalists always ask me to sing and for dynamics control. I also really like vague emotions so I’m the type to expect a lot of delicate parts. 1014 We sang a break-up ballad so we focused on emotions like regret, lingering attachment, disappointment, desperation and those kinds of emotions. PLAT9 YoungSeok We sing so that you will think about the precious person hiding in one side of your heart by listening to our music. PLAT9 HeeSeung The album that I released most recently has a song called ‘You over the starlight’ on it. The song is about the love between romantic partners. I tried my best to release my warmest emotions during recording. I recorded whilst imagining singing for the person I love. Jeong HaeIl   After releasing your first album and doing activities as a singer, when was the moment that you confirmed your passion?


A few years ago, there was a week when I was preparing an album and had two performances. I didn’t sleep that much and kept practicing and producing. It is still fresh in my memory. I was the most passionate then and I was happy then. MOONBIT When performances are over and I get the fans’ feedback and expressions of sincerity then I get recharged and feel like this road is the road for me. 109 I’m the type to urge myself on when I’m producing. When it feels difficult I think, “It may be hard but despite that I need to try to do my best.” SOGAK SOGAK I may be active as 1014, but I also work as a producer who works on other artists’ songs, which means that I get to see the songs I’ve written performed live when I go watch performances at concert venues. When I see those artists sing the songs with the emotion hidden inside the song and the audience falling into the music, I feel very happy and proud. 1014 Whenever I release a new song, I get this fluttering feeling and there are times when I can’t sleep, too. There are lots of times before recording sessions when I stay up all night. That’s when I feel like I love music. PLAT9 YoungSeok Before I sleep each night, I have a lot of thoughts. I imagine singing on a stage, when I listen to a certain song I think “How can I add something like this to one of my songs?”, I think about wanting to try diverse genres, think about how I can put my emotions into my music more, etc. Most of the thoughts inside my head are surrounding music, so I think “I’m really passionate after all.” PLAT9 HeeSeung After releasing my first album I found it so fascinating and exciting that my song was presented to the world. I even sent my songs to people who make playlists hoping that many people would listen to them. I sent them to a lot of people, but I don’t think I could do that now. Jeong HaeIl Before I enlisted, whilst having my first solo concert I realized that I could feel my passion again. It was a stage where I felt once again that I could stand on this stage and sing because there were fans, who were always interested in and came to see me perform, who listened to the music. So I remember my passion even more through that one performance. Sung YoungJoo   Was there any feedback that you got about an album or song that you released that left a huge impression on you? If there was, what was it?


I usually keep an eye out for reactions after releasing music and I get a lot of strength when I read the comments that listeners leave on digital music sites. I also screenshot the comments that are touching. The comment that comes to mind the most is one that said, “The only voice that doesn’t get affected by fine dust.” MOONBIT There is a story about a company employee who listened to one of my songs called ‘You don’t have to be a star’ and quit their job so that they can do what they want. It left a deep impression on me. I hope that person is happy where they are. 109 There is a b-side track called ‘Thoughts’ in my full album. I wrote it when I was having the hardest time. It was a song that was difficult for me to sing because of the memories attached to it, but suddenly it became more of a, “It was like that back then,” song which made me become stronger. A fan wrote a letter to me saying, “After listening to that song I remembered that I cried, and it was difficult back then, but now I don’t cry anymore.” We were on the same page. We didn’t share our exact situations, but I felt like we were walking together and it is a very touching memory to me. SOGAK SOGAK I released a song back in the days called ‘I guess I don’t love myself either’ and received a lot of sympathetic messages. One person said that it seemed like a song for everyone who doesn’t love themselves, which made me very thankful. I don’t want a lot except for the people who listen to my music to gain comfort. That’s why it is so memorable to me. 1014 The deepest impression was when people who were hurt listened to my songs and said that they felt comforted. PLAT9 YoungSeok I imagine the lyrics’ situation before singing a song. I become the protagonist of a song wondering where and when that kind of incident took place. The comments that sympathize with that sentiment always stay in my memory. PLAT9 HeeSeung For a song called ‘But it hurts just to be happy’ I got feedback saying, “I think I will understand this mind so well.” It felt like meeting someone who understood my story so well that it was touching. Jeong HaeIl All of the feedback that I get from each fan leaves a deep impression and holds a spot as memorable to me. Sung YoungJoo   I think your fans will be curious about unexpected sides of you that you haven’t shown them yet. Besides music, is there something you are working hard on?


I actually have a lot of things that I’ve always liked. I also have the kind of personality where I have to do something when I want to do it. Of course, music is first but these days I read a lot of books and I’ve started doing Taekwondo (which I learned as a child) again, too. I’m also a stanning the celebrities that I like! MOONBIT I really like soccer but I hurt my leg so I’m resting at the moment. As a result, after looking for a new hobby I’ve started learning how to swim! 109 I have a lot of things that I want to do so I’m studying this-and-that by listening to internet lectures. One of those things is drawing but I gave up after realizing that I don’t have the talent for it. Haha. I’m still figuring out what I like. SOGAK SOGAK It may not suit me but I’m doing home workouts! I’m not sure if it’s because I’m physically unfit or not but I couldn’t concentrate for long before when producing music. Now that I’m exercising my brain is becoming clearer and refreshed. I like walking aerobics so I often go on walks, too. 1014 We actually have bright personalities compared to the dark music we make. We like love more than saying goodbye, too. PLAT9 YoungSeok I run around the block and exercise after finishing up my schedule for the day. These days I also really want to travel abroad so I satisfy myself by watching YouTube, but the YouTuber I watch is also really good at English so I’m studying some English for daily life. PLAT9 HeeSeung I like playing games. I feel like I’m moving from reality into another world when I focus on games. After playing in that world for a bit, I come back to the real world and work hard on my music, which is a source of strength for me! Jeong HaeIl I’m very serious about playing and watching soccer. I love soccer!!!! Sung YoungJoo    

InHeart Music now and in the future 

From just seeing you feature on each other’s songs and watching the group videos on YouTube, you all seem very close. Do you meet up and have exchanges in your regular lives, too?


Before corona, we would meet at work often and also eat delicious food but these days we do less of that. However, even if we meet after a while, it’s not awkward and it feels like a family. MOONBIT Before corona, we’d have gatherings often and if we went to work there was always someone there, but these days because of the restrictions we only keep in contact sometimes. 109 Before corona, we’d get together to hang out but these days we just call or message to ask each other’s news. I think we also chat a lot when we meet for book club. SOGAK SOGAK These days we can’t really meet but I’m still personally contacting everyone individually. If we happen to cross paths at work then we end up chatting like a family for a couple of hours at a time. I think that the reason I can exist at the moment is actually because of our company’s members. 1014 We stay close by meeting pretty often, talking about music and eating together. PLAT9 YoungSeok I think because all of our members are kind, whenever we meet I have a good time. Before corona started, we’d all go on trips together but because of the current situation, we can’t really meet that much. I hope this time passes so that we can meet often and be able to travel. PLAT9 HeeSeung All of the artists are close so we meet often! However, these days because of corona we can’t meet. We have a book club once a month at work but that has also become an online meeting. Jeong HaeIl Because we’ve spent 5 years crying and laughing together I feel like they are my other family! We can’t meet often but we periodically meet and talk to each other. Sung YoungJoo   After hearing the answers, I got curious about what kind of place you are all in. Please explain more about ‘InHeart Music’.   InHeart Music’s motto is ‘Music in your heart that you can sympathize with’. It is a label company where musicians who love music can gather their hearts and give comfort and love to their listeners.   As the CEO, what do you think is special about InHeart Music’s musicians?   InHeart music’s musicians look after each other. You could possibly develop competition or jealousy under the same agency, but our company is truly like a family. If things go well we congratulate each other and when things go badly we all feel disappointed together. I think that’s why InHeart Music’s artists have good chemistry and suit each other.   What kind of company do you wish InHeart Music to become?   I hope that even if time passes InHeart Music will be the same as now. I hope it will be a company with a collective of people who fill in each other’s hearts.   What does InHeart Music’s future look like?   Wouldn’t it look the same as what we’ve said above? With a continuing warm company culture and new artists coming in.. and the existing artists helping the new ones by producing for them! I think it will be that kind of picture.   Finally, what plans do you each have individually or as InHeart Music?   There are a lot of things that I want to do and have to do. I need to release a mini-album and full album and do an independent performance. When corona ends, the first thing that I want to do is have a performance with fans with our masks off! It may take a while but I’m going to make music more passionately than anyone so keep an eye on me 😊 MOONBIT I want to get safely discharged from the military quickly and come back to find my fans with new music! 109 I’m making an effort to let you listen to new songs! I’ll come back with a good song from working hard on producing. SOGAK SOGAK I want to become an artist who walks slowly instead of too quickly. I once thought, “I also need to speed up, why am I so slow?” but I think being slow makes you a good person, too. I want to fill each page with great care whilst taking in the varying scenery from one step behind. Even if time goes by and I get wrinkled, I’m going to try my best to live in such a way that I can think, “I lived well!” when I look back. 1014 I want to work hard to become an artist recognized by listeners in the future. I will show you a more developed side of myself. PLAT9 YoungSeok I want to stay by your sides by working hard and being able to always stay in your hearts through music. PLAT9 HeeSeung I’m preparing new music at the moment. I’m also preparing a performance that will happen soon. I’ll come back with some good music soon. Jeong HaeIl Not too long ago my number of days left in the military became 365 days! During that year I will make a lot of music and get an idea for which direction my music is headed. I want to work, as Seong YoungJu to become a music genre and show a cooler side of myself whilst singing in front of fans. I want us to grow old together! I want to deliver comfort to all of the people who are having a hard time due to the corona pandemic. Good luck, everyone! Sung YoungJoo InHeart artists are still working hard on song production. Some songs will make you happy, some songs will make you sad. I hope that you listen to InHeart’s artists and feel various emotions. Thank you. InHeart Music   Please show InHeart Music’s artists a lot of love and support!

InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 43InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 97InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 69InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 35InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 46InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 1InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 38InHeart Music s Artists Give Insight Into The World Of Korean Indie   Exclusive Interview - 29